

  • A Simple Method for Determination of Larval Instars of a Leaf Mining Fly, <i>Phytomyza ranunculi</i>
  • キツネノボタンハモグリバエ ヨウチュウ ノ レイキ ハンテイ ノ タメ ノ カンベンホウ



The determination of larval instars of leaf mining flies has been made on the basis of the size of their pharyngeal sclerites or spiracular processes hitherto. However, these methods proved very disadvantageous on account of their requiring much inconvenient labor for measuring the size of these organs. Some other biological characteristics in Phytomyza ranunculi larvae were investigated in order to find a simpler method for larval instar determination of leaf mining flies. The body length, the width of mine and the size of frass which now can be measured much easier, were found to be distributed normally in each instar which had been determined on the basis of size of pharyngeal sclerites. From the result of these normal distributions, a median between each of average values of each of the characteristics of two adjacent instars was applied as a limit value of discrimination of those larval instars. The body length or the mine width was comparatively better criterion respectively with the probabilities of less than 20% of misclassification in each instar, while the frass size was out of criterion with the probabilities of higher than 35% in maximum. So there can be no difficulty in adopting each of the former two characteristics respectively as criterion for instar determination with conditions attached of misclassification probabilities above-mentioned. Further, a comprehensive determination of larval instars was attempted with the discriminant function, in which the mine width and frass size were used as two variables. The median between average values of discrimination of two adjacent instars was adopted as a limit value of discrimination of instars. The efficiency in this method was rather better than that in the above one with the mine width only. The probability less than 10% of misclassification was gained in this method when the body length was used as one of two variables instead of the frass size. The discriminant function seems to be more useful for determination of larval instars when adequate characteristics are adopted as it's variables.


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