Modeling Texture Change during the Recrystallization of an IF Steel.

  • Urabe Toshiaki
    Department of Metallurgical Engineering, McGill University
  • Jonas J. J.
    Department of Metallurgical Engineering, McGill University


The texture changes taking place during the recrystallization of a Ti and Nb bearing interstitial free (IF) steel were investigated. Samples taken from the hot band of a 0.08%Ti-0.01%Nb IF steel were subjected to cold rolling reductions of 70 and 85%, and annealed at 720°C to investigate the effect of cold reduction on the recrystallization texture. The main components observed after cold-rolling were the {001}<110> and {112}<110>, together with the ND<111> fiber increased, especially between {111}<112> and {111}<123>. Higher cold reductions led to stronger intensities of the latter components.<br> The formation of recrystallization textures in IF steels is discussed in terms of a selective growth theory in which nuclei possessing favorable <110> axis rotation relationships with respect to the deformed matrix undergo preferential growth. By adopting a suitable <110> axis variant selection rule and employing it in conjunction with a nucleus availability factor, it is shown that recrystallization textures can be successfully predicted from experimental rolling textures.


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