

  • Studies on the Serological Constitution of Chicken
  • ニワトリ ノ ケッセイガクテキ タイシツ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 1 シゼン コウタイ ニ ヨル ケッキュウ コウゲン ノ ケンサク
  • I. The Cbassification of Type Specific Antigens of red cells by natural isoagglutinins
  • 1. 自然抗体による血球抗原の検索



It was first reported by LANDSTEINER AND MILLER (1924) that the blood types of chicken were classified into eight different antigens by using anti-chicken red cells immune rabbit sera absorbed with various chicken red cells.<br>Afterwards many studies have been carried out. Recentry twelve different blood group systems were classified in red cells of chickens by iso-immune agglutinins.<br>The present experiments were performed for the classification of chickens red cells by using natural isoagglutinins.<br>The chicken red cells were treated with papain enzyme solution. The results obtained were as follows:<br>1) Two typical agglutinins (anti-FsI and anti-FsII) were found in the chicken normal sera and two agglutinogens (FsI and FsII) corresponding with each agglutinin were present.<br>2) The blood of chickens was classified into three types, FsI, FsII and Fs0.<br>3) The agglutinin-titers of anti-FsI and anti-FsII sera were 1:8, respectively.<br>4) The antibodies (anti-FsI and anti-FsII) were absorbed to volume of 16 fold antigen (FsI and FsII).<br>5) The antibodies were eluted from antigen-antibodies complex which anti-FsI and anti-FsII sera were combined with FsI, FsII red cells.<br>6) The presence of antigenicity in skin and the basal part of quill was clarified in chickens by elution test.


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