南極浅層コア(H72,ドーム南)の基本解析  測定方法および装置


  • Basic analytical procedure for Antarctic shallow ice cores: methodology and instrumentation.
  • ナンキョク センソウ コア H72 ドーム ミナミ ノ キホン カイセキ ソクテイ シュホウ オヨビ ソウチ
  • methodology and instrumentation
  • 測定方法および装置



Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JAREs) have collected shallow ice cores in East Queen Maud Land during the last two decades. The object of retrieving the ice cores is to obtain records of climate, atmospheric chemistry and surface mass balance through the ice core analyses. The ice core study is a part of the ITASE (International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition) program, which is an international effort to obtain shallow ice cores and clarify past environmental changes during the last few hundreds years in the Antarctic. This paper describes basic analytical methodology and instrumentation for shallow ice cores in Japan. It includes the methods for stratigraphy, bulk density, electrical conductivity measurement (ECM), digital video recording, impermeability, laser tomography and major chemical compositions of ice cores.


  • 雪氷

    雪氷 63 (1), 49-63, 2001

    公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会

参考文献 (29)*注記


詳細情報 詳細情報について

