京都伏見における雪の結晶 (1963~1964)


  • Snow Crystals at Fushimi district in Kyoto city
  • キョウト フシミ ニ オケル ユキ ノ ケッショウ 1963 1964 ゲンカンチガタ ニ ゾクスル メズラシイ ケッショウ ノ カクニン
  • 厳寒地型に属する珍らしい結晶の確認



We can seldom see the snow flakes at Fushimi in south part of Kyoto city, where it is not so cold in winter as northern part of Japan.<BR>I don't know any observer of snow crystals in Kyoto except Toshitsura Doi Ooinokami, who was once Kyoto Shoshidai (chief attaché to Tokugawa Shogunate government at metropolice of Kyoto) and described Sekkazusetsu and Zoku Sekkazusetsu (Illustrations of flowery shapes of snow crystals vol. I and vol. II) in which contained 23 pieces of Snow crystals of Kyoto in 18371838.<BR>I depicted to observe shapes of snow crystals at Kyoto in snowy days as dilettante scientist several years ago. In winter 1963, we had heavy snow, so I could bind variety types of snow crystals especially in Feb. 8, prisms, columns, combinations of columns and plates, shapes of tables or lrullets which were very rare in this district, and in Feb. 14, dendritic crystals or fern stellar crystals which were very beautiful, etc.<BR>In 1964. I could not observe special shapes of crystals.


  • 雪氷

    雪氷 26 (4), 120-125, 1964

    公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

