秤型積雪量計による積雪水量の観測 (第二報)


  • On Measuring Water Equivalent of Snow Cover by Means of Snow Balance (Second Report)
  • ハカリガタ セキセツリョウケイ ニ ヨル セキセツ スイリョウ ノ カンソク 2



The author has made an improvement in the original snow balance of which he described in the first report. The magnifying mechanism was removed; the movement of the ring balance was made to be transmitted directly to a differential transformer and recorded electrically. The improvement has heightened the sensitivity 17. 5 times, preventing any drift to appear.<BR>He has also made another trial in the possibility of making the snow balance smaller. The new midget model SB-2 two meters in diameter, and has a loadcell with strain gauges set in it. Simultaneous observations have been made on SB-2 as well as the original SB-4 to ascertain the accuracy of the apparatus.<BR>Due to evaporation or precipitation, the quantity of water contained in the soil on the pressure dial will change almost unceasingly, thus causing readings to change even with no snow cover. The author treats this problem, and has led the method to fix the zero point for the apparatus.<BR>So far as the last one-winter continuous observation on the models SB-4 and SB-2 is concerned, no serious fault has not been found with the latter, but further discussion on this point will be made in the third report.


  • 雪氷

    雪氷 25 (4), 99-107, 1963

    公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会

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