農耕地における融雪促進法に関する研究 (その2)


  • The Studies on the Methods of Promoting the Melting of Snow in a Farm
  • ノウコウチ ニ オケル ユウセツソクシンポ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ 2 ヘリコプター ニ ヨル ユウセツ ソクシン
  • The Promotion by Helicopter of the Melting of Snow
  • ヘリコプターによる融雪促進



The methods of promoting the melting of snow by covering snow surface with black powder scattered from a helicopter were investigated, in order to make clear the problems involved in such procedures. <BR>The results of experiment pointed out two main factors, i.e., the effectiveness of the black powder in the promotion of melting of snow, and the degree of the scattering ability of the duster of a helicopter. And the degrees of the promotion of melting of snow were found to be determined by the actual amount of the powder settled on a snow surface.<BR>The quantity of snow melted by the covering with the black powder (Mp) was as follows : <BR>Mp=m (Rs) n, m=Ae-Bx, and n=cxD, where 3<x<20 g/cm2, <BR>Rs : solar radiation, m, n : coefficients depending on x (the amount of settled powder) and A, B, C, D (constants characteristic of the powder).<BR>On the other hand the scattering ability of the duster was known to be conditioned by the liquidity of the powder, i.e., bulk density and coefficient of friction, etc.<BR>“Method of albedo” is conceived to be superior to the others in estimating the amount of the settled black powder, and consequently, the “albedo-meter” which shows the direct amount of the settled black powder was devised and used for the estimation of the amount of the scattered black powder.


  • 雪氷

    雪氷 29 (3), 78-83, 1967

    公益社団法人 日本雪氷学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

