Spontaneous Transformation and Its Use for Genetic Mapping in<i>Bacillus subtilis</i>

  • MURAYAMA Rikinori
    Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Frontier Project “Life’s Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Changes”, Department of Life Science, College of Science, Rikkyo University
  • AKANUMA Genki
    Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Frontier Project “Life’s Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Changes”, Department of Life Science, College of Science, Rikkyo University
  • MAKINO Yuki
    Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Frontier Project “Life’s Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Changes”, Department of Life Science, College of Science, Rikkyo University
  • NANAMIYA Hideaki
    Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Frontier Project “Life’s Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Changes”, Department of Life Science, College of Science, Rikkyo University
  • KAWAMURA Fujio
    Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Frontier Project “Life’s Adaptation Strategies to Environmental Changes”, Department of Life Science, College of Science, Rikkyo University


  • Spontaneous Transformation and Its Use for Genetic Mapping in Bacillus subtilis



Using a simple semi-synthetic competence and sporulation medium (CSM), we found evidence that Bacillus subtilis cells transformed in the competence phase can sporulate, indicating that genetic information acquired during the competence phase is inherited by the next generation after germination of the transformed spores. Moreover, the results from mixed cell culture experiments suggest that spontaneous genetic transformation can occur between competent cells and DNA released from lysed cells in the natural environment. We also found evidence that the spontaneous transformation system can be used for genetic mapping in B. subtilis.


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