High-Fat Diet Lowers the Nutritional Status Indicators of Pantothenic Acid in Weaning Rats

  • YOSHIDA Erina
    Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture
  • FUKUWATARI Tsutomu
    Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture
  • OHTSUBO Masako
    Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture
  • SHIBATA Katsumi
    Department of Food Science and Nutrition, School of Human Cultures, The University of Shiga Prefecture

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Weaning rats were fed a 5% or 30% fat diet containing limited calcium pantothenate for 28 d. The plasma, liver and adrenal pantothenic acid levels in the rats fed on the 30% fat diet were significantly lower than with the 5% fat diet. The results suggest that the high-fat diet affected pantothenic acid metabolism.


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