Effect of Residual Stress Induced by Ar Ion Irradiation on Magnetostriction of R-Fe(R: Tb, Sm) Thin Film

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  • 「スマートマテリアル」 R‐Fe(R:Tb,Sm)薄膜の磁歪へ及ぼすArイオン照射により誘起された残留応力の影響


  Magnetostrictive properties of Ar ion-irradiated R-Fe(R: Tb, Sm) thin films were studied with respect to residual stress. Film samples were prepared by a magnetron sputtering. The film composition was Tb36Fe64 and Sm27Fe73 with amorphous structures. After the deposition, film samples were irradiated by Ar ions with an energy of 10 keV and a current density of 27-80×10-2 A/m2 up to 1×1022 ions/m2. Magnetostrictive susceptibility of the Tb36Fe64 film decreased with increasing ion current density by 55×10-2 A/m2, however, improved with high current density above 70×10-2 A/m2. Magnetostrictive susceptibility of Sm27Fe73 increased with increasing ion current density up to 55×10-2 A/m2. This was caused by increase of compressive stress induced by Ar ion irradiation with low current density and stress relaxation by increased temperature during irradiation with high current density. The magnetic properties were found profoundly influenced by stresses induced by competitive factors such as irradiation damage and thermal annealing effect.<br>


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