溶融アルミニウム中への第5周期元素(Ru, Ag, SnおよびSb)の不純物拡散

  • 江島 辰彦
  • 山村 力
  • 槙 彰
  • 二階堂 勝


  • Impurity Diffusion of Fifth Period Solutes (Ru, Ag, Sn and Sb) in Liquid Aluminum
  • ヨウユウ アルミニウムチュウ エ ノ ダイ 5 シュウキ ゲンソ Ru Ag



In order to elucidate the relative importance of various factors controlling the diffusion of solute in liquid metals, the impurity diffusion coefficients of fifth period solutes (Ru, Ag, Sn and Sb) in liquid aluminum were measured by the use of the capillary reservoir method at temperatures ranging from 970 to 1200 K.<BR>The values of Di(μ⁄T)1⁄2 (where Di is the impurity diffusion coefficient of solute, μ is the reduced mass of the solvent and solute atoms) increase linearly with the molar volume of the solvent in a similar manner to the values of T1⁄2⁄η (where η is the viscosity of the solvent). The lines showing the relation between Di(μ⁄T)1⁄2 and molar volume were extrapolated to determine the intercept on the axis of molar volume. The intercepts for the fifth period solutes examined agree with one another and also with the line showing the relation between T1⁄2⁄η and molar volume. The values of intercepts agree also with the molar volume of solid aluminum at the freezing point. On the other hand, the slopes of the lines for the solutes differ significantly. These results can be explained in the following way. The impurity atoms are in diffusive motions cooperatively with the solvent atoms and acquire the free volume according to the strength of the interaction between solute and solvent atoms as temperature increases.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 45 (3), 336-340, 1981

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

