

  • The Effect of Magnetic Annealing on the Fe-Al Alloy System at High Temperatures
  • Fe Alケイ ゴウキン ノ コウオン ニ オケル ジカイチュウ カネツ コウ



A decrease in magnetostriction and an increase in magnetization with annealing time could be observed in Fe-5.66∼11.22 mass%Al alloys annealed in a magnetic field over the temperature range 573 to 723 K. The maximum permeabilities of the alloys, measured at room temperature when they were cooled down without magnetic field after their time-variations had been terminated, increased as compared with those in the thermally demagnetized state. The relaxation phenomenon was most remarkable in Fe-7.72 mass%Al alloy; its activation energy calculated from the relation between relaxation time and magnetic annealing temperature was about 163 kJ/mol. This value was approximately equivalent to the energy required for interdiffusion of Fe and Al atoms due primarily to the movement of vacancies in the disordered Fe-Al alloys. It seems most probable that the effect of magnetic annealing observed in Fe-Al alloys arises from the rearrangement and stabilization of domains due to the relaxation of internal stress caused by magnetostriction at high temperatures.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 45 (3), 322-326, 1981

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

