

  • Phase Separation in Fe-Si-V and Fe-Si-Co Ordering Alloys
  • Fe Si V オヨビ Fe Si Co キソク ゴウキン ニ オケル ソウ



Microstructures of various Fe-rich Fe-Si-V and Fe-Si-Co ordering alloys were extensively investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the phase diagrams consistent with the TEM observations were proposed. The results obtained are as follows:<BR>(1) The phase separation into A2+DO3, which has not been experimentally found in the Fe-Si binary system, is observed in Fe-Si-V ordering alloys. This two-phase range is spreading over a wide region connecting low V content Fe-10 to 15 at%Si ternary alloys with the Fe-Si-V alloys including V solute atoms over 20 at%.<BR>(2) For the Fe-Si-Co ordering alloys, the B2 single phase region of the Fe-Si binary system is simply connected with that of the Fe-Co binary system. The A2, B2 and DO3 single phase regions exist in a wide region. On the other hand, the phase separation into B2+DO3 is observed in the ternary alloys whose compositions lie in the low Co range with Fe-10∼15 at%Si and in the high Co range with Fe-14.3 at%Si-28.3 at%Co, respectively.


  • 日本金属学会誌

    日本金属学会誌 52 (4), 369-374, 1988

    公益社団法人 日本金属学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

