On the Thermal Expansion Coefficient and the Temperature Coefficient of Young’s Modulus of Nickel-Copper Alloys

  • Masumoto Hakaru
    The Foundation: The Research Institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys
  • Saitô Hideo
    The Research Institute for Iron, Steel and Other Metals, Tohoku University
  • Sawaya Shôhachi
    The Foundation: The Research Institute of Electric and Magnetic Alloys

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  • On the Thermal Expansion Coefficient and the Temperature Coefficient of Young’s Modulus of Nickel-Copper Alloys

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The thermal expansion coefficient and the temperature coefficient of Young’s modulus of nickel-copper alloys have been determined with a vertical dilatometer previously designed by one of the present authors and by means of a vibrator-controlled oscillator system, respectively. And it has been found that the mean linear thermal expansion coefficient (0°∼40°C) vs. composition curve is convex in the ferromagnetic range and concave in the paramagnetic range against the composition axis and also the mean temperature coefficient (0°∼40°C) of Young’s modulus shows negative values in the whole composition range of the alloys except the maximum value of +2.1×10−5 in the alloy containing 29.85%Cu.


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