The Role of Bamboo in the Sustainable Economic Development: From a Viewpoint of Social Common Capital


  • Role of Bamboo in the Sustainable Economic Development From a Viewpoint of Social Common Capital



This paper presents the characteristics of Social Common Capital (SCC) and its role in the society of abundance. Also, it is explained why bamboo is regarded as the symbol of SCC. The society of abundance has three main characteristics. First, it should rest on the foundation of Institutionalism. Moreover, sustainable development without destruction of natural and cultural environments is required. Finally, the society of abundance should not only provide material richness, but also bring about the acceptance of ethical norms and affection toward natural and cultural environments. SCC is the social equipment sustaining the society of abundance. It can be said that bamboo might serve as an excellent example to exemplify how our society might attain sustainability and affluence, because bamboo is widely used for various ends such as the production of furniture or construction materials. Furthermore, bamboo is also important in relation to the formation of Japanese arts and literature.


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