Tensile Properties of Cast Irons with Various Graphite Shapes in High Temperature Range.
- Shikida Masahiro
- 大阪産業大学工学部 工博
- Matsumoto Hiroshi
- 大阪産業大学工学部 工博
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- Other Title
- 黒鉛形状の異なる鋳鉄の高温域における引張特性
- コクエン ケイジョウ ノ コトナル チュウテツ ノ コウオンイキ ニ オケル
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This study discusses the effects of the graphite shape and the temperature change on the tensile properties through static tensile tests conducted on three kinds of ferrite base cast iron in which the graphite shape is flake, vermicular and spheroidal (hereafter referred to as FC, CV and FCD, respectively). By reason that FCD was the most susceptible to the effects of temperature rise on the tensile strength, a steep lowering in the strength was observed in FCD after the temperature exceeded 723K. On the contrary, FC was the least influenced by those effects. The effects of temperature rise on elongation was found to be low in FC and CV, while FCD was extremely affected due to blue brittleness at around 673K. It was revealed that cast iron, unlike general steel materials, essentially presented a higher value in the elongation than the reduction of area. In the case of cast iron, it is therefore reasonable to use its elongation than the reduction of area as the index for representing the degree of ductility of the material.
- Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society
Journal of Japan Foundry Engineering Society 70 (9), 629-634, 1998
Japan Foundry Engineering Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282681482902400
- NII Article ID
- 10002554158
- NII Book ID
- AN10514770
- 21855374
- 13420429
- 4564962
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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