

  • Effects of Gate Thickness on Molten Metal Pressure Transmission in High-Pressure Die Cast Cavity
  • ダイカストキャビティ ナイ ノ ヨウトウ アツリョク デンタツ カテイ ニ オヨボス ゲート アツサ ノ エイキョウ



  A series of experiments was carried out under mass production conditions with the pullback of plungers in order to investigate in detail how pressure is transmitted in cavities during die casting. When the plunger pulled back rapidly, the melt pressure in cavities was able to follow the pullback and descend. However, when it pulled back slowly, the melt pressure could not follow the pullback with slow pressure decrease. This indicates that the pressure of the plunger is transmitted into cavities sufficiently through gates at an early stage. The time required for the transmission of the pressure depended on the occlusion of the gate, when the thickness of the gate was thinner than standard. On the other hand, the transmission time depended on the solidification in cavities or in the pressure transmissions path, when the gate thickness was thick. The transmission time of the pressure increased with the gate thickness, improving product quality.


  • 鋳造工学

    鋳造工学 75 (8), 525-531, 2003

    公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会

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