Tempering Behavior of Rapidly Solidified Eutectic High-Carbon Fe-Cr-Mo-B Alloys

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  • 急冷凝固した共晶組成高炭素 Fe-Cr-Mo-B 合金の焼戻し挙動
  • キュウレイ ギョウコシタ キョウショウ ソセイ コウ タンソ Fe Cr Mo

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  High-carbon Cr-Mo iron alloys containing boron have been rapidly solidified into ribbons by means of a single roller method. The iron alloys of almost eutectic composition form an amorphous phase throughout the ribbon. The amorphous phase decomposes or crystallizes to exhibit ultra-fine equiaxed grains of ferrite and borocarbides during tempering. An extremely high hardness over 1500 DPN has been obtained just after the crystallization of the amorphous phase. The high hardness is attributed to the ultra-fine grain structure, i. e., nanocrystals of ferrite and borocarbides.


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