A case study of whistlers recorded at Varanasi (L = 1.07)

  • Singh R. P.
    Atmospheric Research Lab, Physics Department, Banaras Hindu University
  • Singh U. P.
    Atmospheric Research Lab, Physics Department, Banaras Hindu University
  • Singh Ashok K.
    Atmospheric Research Lab, Physics Department, Banaras Hindu University
  • Singh D. P.
    Physics Department, Govt. College Adampur


  • case study of whistlers recorded at Var



Large number of high dispersion whistlers recorded at low latitude station Varanasi (L = 1.07) are analysed and it is find out that they have propagated along L ≈ 2.12-2.76. This is explained by considering the propagation of whistlers through the earth-ionosphere wave guide after exiting from the duct towards the equator. Using diffusive equilibrium model (DE-1), we have estimated equatorial electron density, total electron content in a flux tube and large scale convective electric fields which are in good agreement with the results reported by other workers from the analysis of mid latitude whistlers. The significance of this paper is to probe mid latitude plasmasphere using whistlers recorded at low latitudes. Further, an attempt has been made to study the propagation mechanism of low latitude whistlers.


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