New World of Torus Plasmas due to the Varieties of Plasma Current Profiles -Evolution of Equilibrium and Transport Researches- 4.Various Roles of Plasma Current on Helical Plasma and the Related Experiments

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  • 電流分布の多様性が拓く環状プラズマの新しい世界-平衡•閉じ込め研究への展開- 4.ヘリカル系におけるプラズマ電流の位置付けの多様性と電流駆動実験
  • ヘリカル系におけるプラズマ電流の位置付けの多様性と電流駆動実験
  • ヘリカルケイ ニ オケル プラズマ デンリュウ ノ イチヅケ ノ タヨウセイ ト デンリュウ クドウ ジッケン

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Though the toroidal current is not indispensable in helical systems, there is a possibility that even small toroidal current extends the operational regimes. In helical plasmas, the various roles of the plasma current are given according to magnetic configurations. We summarize the role of plasma current in some helical configurations. Next we show some examples of experiments in helical plasmas having fairly large plasma current, and discuss the role and the place of the toroidal current in helical plasmas.



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