

  • Elastic collision cross section of low-energy electron with a carbon atom using atomic potential in solids.
  • コタイナイ ゲンシ ポテンシャル オ モチイタ テイエネルギー デンシ ト タ



Elastic collision cross sections of electrons with a carbon atom embedded in solid-state arecalculated for energies from the Fermi energy to 1000eV, using the muffin-tin approximation. Special feature of the results is that the mean free path (m. f. p.) of electrons evaluated usingthe new cross section is longer than a half of the nearest-neighbor distance, while the m. f. p. evaluated using conventional collision cross section of electrons with an isolated carbon atomis much smaller. In addition, a Monte Carlo calculation of the dependence on the angle ofincidence of the secondary electron emission from graphite and diamond is carried out. Thecalculated dependence is significantly different from that evaluated with the conventional crosssection and the difference between graphite and diamond is rather small.


  • 核融合研究

    核融合研究 64 (4), 376-385, 1990

    社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

