日本原子力研究所Fusion Neutronics Source(FNS)におけるD‐T中性子スカイシャイン実験


  • D-T Neutron Skyshine Experiments at JAERI/FNS.
  • 日本原子力研究所Fusion Neutronics Source(FNS)におけるD-T中性子スカイシャイン実験
  • ニホン ゲンシリョク ケンキュウショ Fusion Neutronics Source FNS ニ オケル D T チュウセイシ スカイシャイン ジッケン



The D-T neutron skyshine experiments have been carried out at the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) of JAERI with the neutron yield of ∼1.7×1011n/s. The concrete thickness of the roof and the wall of a FNS target room are 1.15 and 2 m, respectively. The FNS skyshine port with a size of 0.9 × 0.9 m2 was open during the experimental period.The radiation dose rate outside the target room was measured as far as about 550 m away from the D-T target point with a spherical rem-counter. The highest neutron dose was about 0.5 μSv/hr at a distance of 30 m from the D-T target point and the dose rate was attenuated to 0.002 μSv/hr at a distance of 550 m. The measured neutron dose distribution was analyzed with Monte Carlo code MCNP-4B and a simple line source model. The MCNP calculation overestimates the neutron dose in the distance range larger than 250 m. The neutron spectra were evaluated with a 3He detector with different thickness of polyethylene neutron moderators. Secondary gamma-rays were measured with high purity Ge detectors and NaI scintillation detectors.


参考文献 (22)*注記


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