

  • Preliminary study on neutron yield from 3He 3He fusion plasma.
  • 3He3He カク ユウゴウ ハンノウ プラズマ カラ ノ チュウセイシ ハッ



A qualitative estimation is presented for the yields of neutron and 7Be frrara 3He 3He fusion plasma by the following reactions: 3He (3He, n) 5Be, (γ, n) reaction of the structure material (SUS316) by 10MeV γ-ray of 3He (3He, γ) He (p, n) 3p by reaction product of protons, and, 3He (α, n) 6Be and 3He (α γ) 7Be by the same product of α Since both reactions of 3He (3He, n) 5Be and 3He (p, n) 3p have threshold energy of-20 MeV and 10.27 MeV, respectively, neutron yield rapidly increases as ion temperature in plasma increases: i. e. the values of the fraction of the total energy released in the reaction that is carried by neutrons, “Neutronicism” are 3×10-5 and 0.005 at ion temperature of 300 find 800 keV in the plasma with the same electron temperature, respectively. The yields by the (γ, n) reaction and 3He (αn) 6Be are less than the others. The yield of 7Be is 9×10-5 one 3He 3He fusion reaction and 4He impurity concentration in the plasma.


  • 核融合研究

    核融合研究 64 (5), 430-448, 1990

    社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

