

  • Photo-image Forming System Utilizing Coloration of Poly (vinyl alcohol) -Iodine Complex
  • ポリビニルアルコールーヨウソ サクタイ ノ テイショク オ リヨウスル ヒカリ



A photosensitive paper was designed based on the facts that poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) forms a blue iodine complex in an I2-KI solution and that ferric chloride loses its iodide oxidizing ability when it is photoreduced to ferrous salt. A paper coated with an aqueous solution of PVA containing ferric chloride was irradiated with UV light, followed by dipping into a KI solution. Photo-image was formed on the paper because an iodine complex appeared only at the part unexposed to light. Sensitivity of the paper was low but it was appreciably enhanced by adding oxalic acid into the coating solution. Oxalic acid reacts with ferric chloride to form ferrioxalate. Thus it is suggested that the enhanced sensitivity in the presence of oxalic acid arises from the ferrioxalate. To elucidate this fact, photoreaction of ferric chloride in aqueous solution was carried out in the presence of ferrioxalate. It was found that ferrioxalate was photoreduced in preference to ferric chloride and that both the reduction intermediate and the reduction product played an important role in the enhancement of sensitivity.


  • 高分子論文集

    高分子論文集 37 (4), 221-225, 1980

    公益社団法人 高分子学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

