

  • Potentiometric Titration of Partly Esterified Poly (vinyl alcohol) with Poly (methacrylic acid) in Aqueous Solution
  • ブブン エステルカ ポリビニルアルコール スイヨウエキ ノ ポリメタクリルサン



Aqueous poly (vinyl alcohol) (I), partly esterified with formic, acetic, or propionic acid, was potentiometrically titrated with poly (methacrylic acid) (II). Plots of pH of the solution against mole fraction of the acid in the system show connected straight lines (or gentle curves) and the breaking points correspond to the characteristic compositions of components and/or their complex. At constant solute concentration the pH-curves for the mixture lead to conclude that, as a whole the ester group makes the I more basic and accessible to II, but it vitiates structural complementarity and accelerate the dissociation till the carboxyl group equals ester residue. In the regions covered by experiments, however, I and II form an equimolar polycomplex. Results from the conductance measurements support this. Relative viscosity pattern of I-II mixture will be a measure of aggregation in the system.


  • 高分子論文集

    高分子論文集 36 (5), 287-292, 1979

    公益社団法人 高分子学会

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