Structural Analysis of Aggregates Composed of Microgels.

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  • ミクロゲル集合体の構造
  • ミクロゲル シュウゴウタイ ノ コウゾウ

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The structural analysis and structures of the aggregates composed of microgels were studied. 1) The origin of thespherical aggregates with narrow distribution is discussed based on the results obtained by computer simulation. 2) Anordered structure were realized when the solutions of the microgel with very narrow size distribution were used; Themethods to identify the structure are summarized. 3) The effect of the surface composition on the homogeneity of the two microgel system is explained. 4) Finally, the MgCu2 type ordered alloy arrangement found for poly (4-vinylpyridine/poly (styrene-co-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) microgel system is illustrated.



    KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU 50 (5), 353-360, 1993

    The Society of Polymer Science, Japan

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