

  • Development of gemstone identification techniques on the basis of mineralogy
  • 日本鉱物科学会応用鉱物科学賞第3回受賞者 受賞記念研究紹介 鉱物学を基礎とした宝石鑑別技術の開発
  • ニホン コウブツ カガクカイ オウヨウ コウブツ カガクショウ ダイ3カイ ジュショウシャ ジュショウ キネン ケンキュウ ショウカイ コウブツガク オ キソ ト シタ ホウセキ カンベツ ギジュツ ノ カイハツ



  The author has been dedicated efforts to accuracy improvement of gemstone identification by incorporating mineralogical aspects into traditional identification techniques. To cope with technological developments of synthetic gemstones and treatments, the author also applied various analytical laboratory techniques into gemstone identification. For instance, infrared spectral analysis is useful to classify diamonds into each type, distinguish natural stones from synthetics and detect impregnated materials such as resin in gemstones. CL method can be used to reveal growth history of a diamond crystal and this is applied to distinction between natural and synthetic diamonds. PL analysis is an effective technique to detect HPHT treatment in diamonds, while LA-ICP-MS analysis is effective to detect light elements such as Be that may be doped in corundum and it also can be applied to origin determination of gemstones such as corundum, emerald and tourmaline.<br>


  • 岩石鉱物科学

    岩石鉱物科学 40 (1), 42-47, 2011

    一般社団法人 日本鉱物科学会

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