
  • 杉山 保行
    新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科 (株)ヘイゼル・トンプソン
  • 太田 雅壽
    新潟大学大学院自然科学研究科 活性固体研究所


  • Restoration Mechanism of Hair Using Hematin as Treatment Agent
  • シャンプー ・ トリートメント ニ ヨル モウハツ ノ シュウフク キコウ



Because of shampooing, drying, brushing etc., hair twists, breaks or acquires split ends; furthermore the cuticle may come off. We tried developing a shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent which repairs hair damaged by washing, drying, brushing, coloring, or perming. The effect of both agents on repair of damaged hair was examined by transmission electron microscopy and electrical conductivity. We compared previous data of optical microscopy with transmission electron microscopy images. As a result, it is clear that a scale-forming material, like a cuticle, is deposited in the keratinization region, and the frizzled hair became straight, because of using shampoo agent and conductive treatment agent containing hematin. These facts suggest that components of shampoo, treatment and/or hair cortex are preferentially adsorbed to the asperities of fragments which are cut off from the cuticle and then these components produce the scale-forming material, like a cuticle, due to epitaxial growth.


  • 高分子論文集

    高分子論文集 75 (1), 94-98, 2018

    公益社団法人 高分子学会

参考文献 (1)*注記


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