
  • 湯浅 賢治
    福岡歯科大学 診断・全身管理学講座 画像診断学分野


  • Diagnostic imaging for salivary gland disease
  • 2009年度口腔四学会合同研修会 (社)日本口腔外科学会 第33・34回教育研修会「唾液腺疾患--その基礎から臨床まで」 唾液腺疾患の画像診断
  • 2009ネンド コウクウ 4 ガッカイ ゴウドウ ケンシュウカイ シャ ニホン コウクウ ゲカ ガッカイ ダイ33 34カイ キョウイク ケンシュウカイ ダエキセン シッカン ソノ キソ カラ リンショウ マデ ダエキセン シッカン ノ ガゾウ シンダン



I reported decision tree and imaging procedure for swelling and masses at major salivary gland region, and image findings of salivary gland lesions. Ultorasonography, which is simple and non-invasive procedure, is carried out firstly for diagnosing whether a mass is swelling of salivary gland itself or exists within/around salivary gland. Ultrasonography and MRI are useful for diagnosing whether a mass is benign or malignant. Internal structure and blood flow within a mass on these images are important findings for differentiating malignant from benign mass.<br> Sialoadenitis is mostly suspected in case of swelling of salivary gland. Ultrasonography helps to diagnose it, also. For diagnosing obstructive sialoadenitis such as sialolithiasis, Occlusal X-ray examination is performed firstly for detecting sialolith. If not detected it, endoscopy is useful for detecting cause of obstruction.<br> Sialography is indicated for Sjögren syndrome, now. However, it is considered that imaging procedue for Sjögren syndrome shift from sialography to ultrasonography and MRI in future. Indication of CT for salivary gland lesions limits to sialolithiasis.


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