On the Isotope Separation by Counter-current Gas Centrifuge, (I)

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Other Title
  • 向流型ガス遠心分離法による同位体の分離, (I)
  • Influence of a gas flow pattern upon separative power
  • 分離パワーに及ぼす向流流型の影響


The influence of a gas flow pattern in a rotor of a counter-current gas centrifuge upon the separation factor and the separative power has been studied. The optimum gas concentration gradient, at which the centrifuge performs the maximum separative power, has been obtained from the equation of the diffusion velocity. The equations with respect to the separation properties have been derived in two regions of the rotor separately, one of which is an upper part above the feed point as a stripping section, the other a lower part as an enriching section.<br>The effects of the radial concentration gradient on the performance of the centrifuge have been considered by means of the flow pattern coefficient K, which depends only upon the flow pattern and approaches to the maximum value, that is, unity, as the neutral layer between the counter currents approaches to the rotor wall.


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    • CiNii Articles
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