Effect of Long-Term Application of Compost on the Sugarcane Yield and Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Dark Red Soil

  • Goto Shinobu
    Tokunoshima Branch, Kagoshima Agric.:(Present office)Oshima Branch, Kagoshima Pref. Inst. Agric. Develop. Cent.
  • Nagata Shigeo
    Kagoshima Pref. Inst. Agric. Develop. Cent.

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  • アネッタイ チイキ ノ アンセキショクドバタケ ニ オケル タイヒ ノ レンヨウ ガ サトウキビ ノ シュウリョウ ト ドジョウ リカガクセイ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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Field studies were carried out for 7 years to examine the effect of long-term application of manure made from sugarcane leaf on the yield of sugarcane and the physical and chemical properties of Dark Red Soil. Manure was applied at the rate of 0, 20, 50 and 100Mgha^<-1> every year. 1) The average sugarcane (var. Nco310) yield rose with the increase of manure. Manure application of 20, 50 and 100Mgha^<-1> enhanced sugarcane yield by 6, 14 and 15%, respectively. The qualities of cane juice were not affected by application of manure. These results show that application of more than 50Mgha^<-1> of manure would produce a stable yield. 2) Total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable K contents of the soil increased with the successive application of manure. In the case of 50 Mgha^<-1> the increase rate per year of total carbon, total nitrogen and exchangeable K were 1.00gkg^<-1>, 0.10gkg^<-1> and 0.06cmol_ckg^<-1>, respectively. 3) On the other hand, pH(H_2O) and contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg of the soil were decreased by yearly application of manure. The yearly application of 50Mgha^<-1> of manure decreased soil pH(H_2O) by 0.21 per year and decreased the contents of exchangeable Ca and Mg by 0.45 and 0.07cmol_ckg^<-1> per year, respectively. Soil pH(H_2O) may have been decreased by leaching of Ca and Mg for possibly caused by rainfall and irrigation. These results show that the contents of exchangeable K, Ca and Mg in the soil should be checked after harvest. 4) The porosity and bulk density of the soil were not affected by the successive application of manure.


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