

  • Quantity of organic waste resources in Japan and capacity of local farmland to receive composted wastes
  • クニ トドウフケン ニ ソンザイ スル ユウキセイ ハイキブツ シゲンリョウ ト ノウコウチ ノ ユウキブツ ウケイレ リョウ ノ スイケイ



We estimated the quantities of fresh and composted livestock excreta, food refuse, and sewage sludge on a national and prefectural scale in Japan in 2005. The total amount of livestock excreta produced was__Tg fresh weight (FW), which contained 680Gg N and 116Gg P. The amount of compost produced from it was 11.9Tg FW, which contained 184Gg N; that is, composting reduced the N content to less than one-third. The total amount of food refuse produced was 22 Tg FW, which contained 185Gg N and 26Gg P. The amount of compost produced from it was 5.8Tg FW, which contained 79Gg N; that is, composting reduced the N content to less than half. The total amount of sewage sludge produced was 75Tg FW, which contained 106Gg N and 20Gg P. The amount of compost produced from it was 2.0Tg FW (1/40), which contained 40Gg N; that is, composting reduced the N content to 2/5. Thus, composting is effective at reducing the amount of refuse. Japanese farmland has the capacity to receive 40Tg FW of composted cattle manure: at 0 to 5.62Mg FW ha^<-1> to paddy fields (depending on the prefecture), 10Mg FW ha^<-1> to upland fields, 7.5Mg FW ha^<-1> to orchards, and 20Mg FW ha^<-1> to forage fields. The quantities of composted livestock manure, food refuse, and sewage sludge equated to 17, 15, and 5Tg cattle manure. Therefore, Japanese farmland has the capacity to receive all composted wastes produced nationally. However, the amounts produced and the capacities to use them vary widely among prefectures. By our estimation, 6 prefectures out of 47 cannot use all the composted manure produced within them, and 14 can receive composts from outside. Our estimation did not take into account any limitations on nutrients in excess of needs or the heavy metal load. Therefore, nutrient imbalances might occur. The amount of compost made from organic wastes and the capacity of farmland to use it could be used to decide the fate of the wastes.


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