- TANAKA Hiroaki
- Department of Pharmacy, Kyorin University Hospital Laboratory for Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
- NISHI Yoshifumi
- Infection Control Office, Division of Hospital Safety Management, Kyorin University Hospital
- OHNO Naohito
- Laboratory for Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
- YAMAGUCHI Yoshihiro
- Department of Trauma and Critical Care Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
- Department of Pharmacy, Kyorin University Hospital
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 救命救急センター常駐薬剤師によるフェニトイン処方支援の効果
- キュウメイ キュウキュウ センター ジョウチュウ ヤクザイシ ニ ヨル フェニトイン ショホウ シエン ノ コウカ
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<p>Phenytoin (PHT), one of the antiepileptic drugs, exhibits nonlinear pharmacokinetics and its effective range is narrow (10~20 µg/mL). We examined the effect of prescription design by pharmacist on the administration of PHT, at the Trauma and Critical Care Center, Kyorin University Hospital. The number of cases which has been measured blood concentration in suitable administration time at before the support start and after the support began was 37 cases (71.2% of the measurement example) and 23 cases (74.2% of same). Among cases requiring multiple measurement, the patients who deviated from the effective range during treatment was before: 15 cases (75.0%) and after: 3 cases (33.3%) (p<0.05). Pharmacist prescription support was considered to maintain PHT concentration for cases requiring long-term administration (>13days) of PHT, which is frequently treated at a critical care centers such as status epilepticus, patients which other medicine is ineffective, and patients who continue to receive PHT from other hospitals.</p>
- Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine
Journal of Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine 22 (4), 559-566, 2019-08-31
Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282752320981376
- NII Article ID
- 130007699260
- NII Book ID
- AA1124939X
- 21879001
- 13450581
- 029975189
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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