

  • Measurement and Estimation of Man-power applied by Pedaling for Man-powered Robotics


<p>By Man-powered Robotics, a system controls motion intelligently using power served by a user. In previous works about man-machine cooperation, the user recognizes the environment and judges/decides motions of the machine, and the machine controls the motion based on local sensor-feedbacks. On the other hand, the system based on the man-powered robotics, is opposite. To execute simple tasks, such as locomotion, manipulation and so on, judges and decisions of the machine is better than the user, since computational hardware and algorithms has proceeded rapidly. The user only serves power: man-power. A smart-mobility, et. al., which are applied man-powered robotics, realizes not only intelligent motions, such as risk-avoidance, tracking a path, following an object and so on, but also safety according to the judgement of the user, who can stop supplying power of the system, health enhancement of the user and the protection of the environment. In this paper, focusing on the power supplying by pedaling motion of the user, an estimation method energy consumption of the user, based on a dynamical model, is proposed. In previous works, only energy consumption by the system was measured and discussed. By the proposed method, energy consumption on the human-structure is estimated. Experimental results show validity of the proposed method.</p>


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