Future perspectives on an advocacy skill workshop for junior doctors and medical students in Japan

  • ABE Kazuhiro
    Department of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo
  • KATO Daisuke
    Department of Education and Research in Family and Community Medicine, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine
  • SONODA Kento
    Northern Army Medical Unit, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force

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  • 若手医師と医学生を対象としたアドボカシースキルワークショップ:活動評価と今後の課題
  • ワカテ イシ ト イガクセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ アドボカシースキルワークショップ : カツドウ ヒョウカ ト コンゴ ノ カダイ

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<p>Objectives: In Japan, junior doctors and medical students have not systematically learned the concepts and methods of health promotion advocacy in the past. Therefore, we held a workshop to teach them, and created a foundation to appropriately disseminate their opinions to society. This article summarized the content, assessment, and perspectives of this workshop.</p><p>Activities: We prepared the workshop with four existing organizations for junior doctors and medical students. The content included lectures on the concepts and methods of advocacy and small group exercises to formulate advocacy strategies. After these exercises, the strategies were shared among the groups.</p><p>Assessment: There were 19 participants, including 9 junior doctors, 8 medical students, 1 administrator and 1 researcher. The themes discussed within each group included: improving resilience of young physicians and medical students; improving the sustainability of life-work balance for junior doctors; reducing the risk of medical malpractice due to long working hours; and changing medical education to include learning practical medical English to treat non-Japanese speakers. From two sessions, we obtained the following two advocacy messages: "unbeatable doctors, creating healthy societies", "Japanese doctors for the Globe."</p><p>Future perspectives: We need to hold more advocacy workshops regularly and create opportunities for more junior doctors and medical students . In the workshops, sufficient time should be allocated for strategy formulation group work, and proper support should be provided for each action on the worksheet, depending on the participants' familiarity with the subject. A network should be also created for participants to carry out advocacy in the future.</p>


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