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  • Taman Siswa
  • タマン・シスワの研究(1928年~1930年)--組織化をめぐって
  • タマン シスワ ノ ケンキュウ 1928ネン 1930ネン ソシキカ オ メグ
  • 組織化をめぐって
  • Its Organization in the Late 1920s



 The Taman Siswa school was founded in 1922 by several young Javanese aristocrats, most of whom belonged to the Paku Alam House of Jogjakarta. It started a pattern that would become significant to the nationalist movement in Indonesia. By 1930, fifty-seven Taman Siswa branches were established throughout Java and East Sumatra (Medan). The rapid expansion of the Taman Siswa, especially in the latter half of the 1920s, was a clear manifestation of the pervading spirit of "kerakyatan [people-ness]" and national awakening.<br>  However, the horizontal expansion of the Taman Siswa schools into the various regions of Java and Sumatra, coupled with the vertical recruitment of teachers from different social backgrounds, inevitably resulted in inter - and intra-branch tension and conflict. Nevertheless, the Taman Siswa movement was regarded within nationalist circles as its foremost "counter-institution, " not only against the colonial educational structure, but in general as an affront to the Dutch colonial regime.<br>  This article is a study of the critical juncture of the Taman Siswa movement in the late 1920s. It was a period when the Taman Siswa had to deal with conflict within its ranks, as well as trying to effectively implement its goal of providing an indigenous nationalist counter-model against Western educational institutions and the Dutch colonial administration.


  • 東南アジア研究

    東南アジア研究 16 (4), 527-554, 1979


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