- 藤森 裕治
- 信州大学教育学部
- タイトル別名
- Reading and School Culture:
- 学校文化としての読むこと : 初等学校の物語の読みにおける日英比較
- ガッコウ ブンカ ト シテ ノ ヨム コト : ショトウ ガッコウ ノ モノガタリ ノ ヨミ ニ オケル ニチエイ ヒカク
- 初等学校の物語の読みにおける日英比較
- A comparison of storybook reading in Japanese and the UK primary schools
<p>The aim of this research is to consider differences and commonalities in the educational activities concerning reading</p><p>storybooks in primary schools in Japan and the UK. Consideration is based on the perspective of their contribution to the formation of School Culture in the respective countries.</p><p>The methodology this research adopted was that of an Ethnographic Case Study.</p><p>Main findings are as follows;</p><p>In the UK:In a demographic environment featuring a vast array of ethnicities,it is necessary to foster autonomous personalities to better cope with ethnic and native language diversity. Not only in the UK,but western culture in general has a tendency to place emphasis on the personal independence of individuals. Teachers in the UK therefore provide various types of activities for meticulous, individually targeted learning, as well as developing studentsʼ competency of reading strategies and a mentality of tolerance to cultural diversity.</p><p>In Japan:In a largely homogeneous environment,made up almost entirely of a single ethnic group and language,in order to adapt to traditions and social groups,it is necessary to nurture a personality with a spirit of cooperation and tolerance towards neighbors. Therefore,in a typical storybook class,one story is examined at a time and students undertake the same questions and activities. Japanese culture values the ability to understand the feelings and thought of others,which are not explicitly stated. This is evident in one of the main characteristics of a Japanese storybook class being a focus on the feelings of characters embedded in the context.</p><p>Conclusions are as follows;</p><p>Both countriesʼ styles of reading storybook classes are depended on each cultural sense of value. In the UK a development as independent reader is most important value of the class. On the other hand,in Japan a harmonious relationship among readers is most important one. But both countriesʼ storybook classes emphasize a tolerance to others.</p>
- 読書科学
読書科学 60 (3), 156-172, 2018-09-14
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1390282763061435136
- 130007502373
- AN00172568
- 2424144X
- 0387284X
- 029271369
- 本文言語コード
- ja
- データソース種別
- JaLC
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles
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