Effects of Electrolysis Conditions on the Formation of Electrodeposited Invar Fe-Ni Alloys with Low Thermal Expansion

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  • テイネツ ボウチョウガタデンセキFe-Ni インバー ゴウキン ノ ケイセイ ニ オヨボス デンカイ ジョウケン ノ エイキョウ

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<p>To elucidate the effects of electrolysis conditions on the formation of electrodeposited invar Fe-Ni alloys with low thermal expansion, Fe-Ni electrodeposition was performed at 10-5000 A·m–2 and 5×105 C·m–2 in agitated solution containing NiSO4, NiCl2, H3BO3, FeSO4, C7H4NNaO3S and C3H4O4 at 40-60°C. Ni content in deposits significantly decreased in the low current density region with increasing current density, reached a minimum, and then increased due to reaching at diffusion limiting current density for Fe deposition as the current density increased further. With increasing the concentration of FeSO4 in solution, Ni content in deposits decreased at lower current density region, reached a constant at lower current density, and then began to increase at higher current density. As a result, the current density range where Ni content in deposits was minimum and constant became wider with higher concentration of FeSO4. With decreasing pH in solution, since the partial polarization curve for H2 evolution and total polarization curve sifted to higher current density region, Ni content in deposits-current density curve shifted to higher current density region. With stirring the solution, Ni content in deposits reached a minimum as the current density increased, and then began to increase at higher current density than without stirring due to increase in diffusion limiting current density for Fe deposition. The change of the composition in deposits by electrolysis condition can be explained by the changes of the total polarization curve for Fe-Ni alloy deposition and the partial polarization curves for Fe and Ni depositions and H2 evolution.</p>


  • Tetsu-to-Hagane

    Tetsu-to-Hagane 105 (1), 55-63, 2019

    The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan

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