

  • What is the Goal of “Place-responsive Outdoor Education” ?
  • 「場所に感応する野外教育」は何を目指すのか : 「地域に根ざした野外教育」の理論化を見すえて
  • 「 バショ ニ カンノウ スル ヤガイ キョウイク 」 ワ ナニ オ メザス ノ カ : 「 チイキ ニ ネザシタ ヤガイ キョウイク 」 ノ リロンカ オ ミスエテ
  • ―「地域に根ざした野外教育」の理論化を見すえて―
  • ―For Theorizing of “Community-based Outdoor Education”―



<p>Recently, there has been a debate about possibilities of outdoor education to promote sustainability of our societies and natural environment. An attempt of theorizing and practice of “Community-based Outdoor Education” was one of the responses to the debate. But it should be re-constructed through understanding recent and broader discussion of education in place. I'm trying to understand a research of “Place-Responsive Outdoor Education” discussed on “A Pedagogy of Place: Outdoor Education for a Changing World” by Brian Wattchow and Mike Brown. According to them, place isn't merely space. Place is generated by interaction between terrain, ecosystem, fauna and flora, communities, policy and history of land use, and so on. Even if the place is natural area, it must be culturally constructed. It promotes educators and participants to give whole mind to stories embedded in the place. And it makes them to understand thoughtfully interaction of factors generating the place. Their purpose is to re-create theories and practices of outdoor education through tying them up with global change of environment and society.</p>




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