

  • A Textual Source for the Oldest Cycle of the Last Days of the Virgin
  • 最古の聖母晩年伝壁画のテキスト研究 : ローマ、フォルトゥーナ・ヴィリーレ神殿あるいはサンタ・マリア・デ・セクンディチェリオ聖堂壁画(八七二年-八八二年)
  • サイコ ノ セイボ バンネン デン ヘキガ ノ テキスト ケンキュウ : ローマ 、 フォルトゥーナ ・ ヴィリーレ シンデン アルイワ サンタ ・ マリア ・ デ ・ セクンディチェリオ セイドウ ヘキガ(ハチナナニネン-ハチハチニネン)
  • ローマ、フォルトゥーナ・ヴィリーレ 神殿あるいはサンタ・マリア・デ・セクンディチェリオ聖堂壁画(八七二年─八八二年)
  • A Wall Painting of the Temple of Fortuna Virile (the Church of Santa Maria di Secundicerio) (Italy, Rome, 872-882)



My paper shows one of the textual sources for the wall painting of the temple of Fortuna Virile (the church of Santa Maria di Secundicerio) (Italy, Rome, 872-882) which presents the Marian cycle with her last days, the story of St. Basil and the story of Mary of Egypt. This is the oldest example, which presents the Last Days of the Virgin Mary - the Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin by Christ, the Departure of the Apostles, and the Arrival of the Apostles - therefore it is important to discover its textual source. First of all, I point out that one of the Apostles is departing from his grave to attend Mary’s death in the scene of the Departure of the Apostles. Secondly, I indicate that this unique episode is found in a Greek text, which is written by pseudo St. John in the early 6th century. All stories of this temple are based on the Greek texts, therefore this wall painting might suggest the lost Greek visual culture has been persecuted by iconoclasm in the Byzantine Empire.


  • 美学

    美学 68 (2), 25-, 2017


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