Changing The Focus of Movement and Collective Identity in a Local Protest Movement: A Case Study of the Protest Movement against a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plant in Wackersdorf/Germany
- AOKI Soko
- Graduate School of Literature, University of Tohoku
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- Other Title
- ローカル抗議運動における運動フレームと集合的アイデンティティの変容過程――ドイツ・ヴァッカースドルフ再処理施設建設反対運動の事例から――
- ローカル コウギ ウンドウ ニ オケル ウンドウ フレーム ト シュウゴウテキ アイデンティティ ノ ヘンヨウ カテイ ドイツ ヴァッカースドルフ サイショリ シセツ ケンセツ ハンタイ ウンドウ ノ ジレイ カラ
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<p>The protest movement in Wackersdorf, which stopped a plan to construct a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant and forced the federal government to abandon fuel reprocessing in Germany, is a remarkable case in which local people and “Autonomen” (the violent young) overcame the gap between them and joined forces. In this paper the changed perspectives of the local people towards outsiders is clarified, making clear the process of building solidarity between them and the conditions under which the local protest movements achieved their openness toward outsiders.</p><p>In this protest movement, the local people entered a confrontation with the national authorities, and then the activists were swept away by the federal government. Their collective identity as “rational protesters” was denied and they were forced to admit a new collective identity as “people labeled by the national authorities”. Then they tried to overcome their sense of injustice by building a new frame of movement, “the struggle for justice”. This new focus of movement gave openness to the local protest movement and enabled it to form regional networks among several protest movements.</p>
- Journal of Environmental Sociology
Journal of Environmental Sociology 11 (0), 174-187, 2005-10-25
Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282763085479936
- NII Article ID
- 110008726928
- NII Book ID
- AN10498448
- 24340618
- 7869134
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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