Preparation of Nonspherical Monodisperse Polydimethylsiloxane Microparticles for Self-assembly Fabrication of Periodic Structures



<p>Nonspherical monodisperse polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microparticles were fabricated by lithography and ultraviolet ozone (UVO) treatment for self-assembly of periodic structures. PDMS solution was poured into photoresist molds on glass substrates, whereupon it was cured at 80°C. After irradiating ultraviolet to the surface of the PDMS, remaining thin PDMS films on the molds were eliminated using ultrasonic waves. Attenuated-total-reflection Fourier-transform infrared spectra indicated that the surface of the UVO treated PDMS was changed to glass SiO2-like materials, resulting that the remaining thin PDMS films could be ultrasonically removed by fracture. The PDMS microparticles were separated from the substrates using ultrasonic waves, and microparticles of a desired shaped were formed. A suspension was prepared by mixing the PDMS microparticles in deionized water, and a droplet of the suspension was placed on a hydrophobic template substrate. The PDMS microparticles self-assembled on the substrate along the template walls, leading to PDMS microparticles being closely packed. Such PDMS microfabrication would be useful for microdevices.</p>


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