A Consideration on the orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protrusion


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  • 上下顎前突症例における一考察
  • Comparative study of labial and lingual appliance
  • 治療法の違いによる比較検討

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In orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protrusion cases, it is often accompanied by extraction of upper and lower premolars in order to ensure the amount of retraction of upper and lower incisors. In recent years, in the lingual it has been reported that the horizontal and vertical bowing effect is different from the case of the labial side, since the bracket position exists on the lingual side. This time we experienced orthodontic treatment of cases of bimaxillary protrusion cases of adult male with similar skeletal and dental properties at our office, and I report on differences by therapy method, compared and discussed.


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