A Survey Based on Watching and Tracing Pedestrians at a Railway Terminal Station

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  • ターミナル駅構内における旅客行動追跡調査
  • ターミナルエキ コウナイ ニ オケル リョカク コウドウ ツイセキ チョウサ

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<p>It is very important for our country, which has had serious problems regarding to facing the aging society, to improve the quality of the pedestrian walking space. The study is to conduct a survey named as watching and tracing pedestrians at Shinagawa Shinkansen Station. The study is to derive pedestrian' s attributes such as not only sex, age, size of carrying baggage, Japanese or foreigner, but also waiting time to departure, station facility visiting and so on from the survey. From some calibrations of the statistical analyses, the study concludes planning information for pedestrian' s space is obtained with much deeper understanding.</p>


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