A Study on Customer-Oriented Strategic Pricing By Utilizing Compound Effect of Functions
- Harada Masaaki
- Sanno University
- Tanaka Masayasu
- Science University of Tokyo
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- Other Title
- 顧客主導の戦略的売価設定に関する研究―機能の複合効果を活用して―
- Study on Customer Oriented Strategic Pricing By Utilizing Compound Effect of Functions
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<p>Manufacturers often make distinctive products as their strategy to establish competitive advantage. They improve the performance of the basic functions or add new functions. These new functions are called “added functions.” This study has been made to propose a new method for setting up representative prices for these added functions. The procedure is as follows: First, people to be researched are selected as representative of potential customers. They are asked to answer questionnaires to determine the price zones for the added functions according to their subjective evaluation. Secondly, these price zones are integrated by a linear integration model to obtain the representative price for the potential customers as evaluators. It is rare that a single added function is adopted in developing new products but usually multiple added functions are adopted simultaneously. From the simultaneous adoption of such multiple added functions, some beneficial new functions for customers are sometimes produced as the result of their interactions. This will be called “the compound effect of functions” in this study.</p><p> This study also touches upon this compound effect of functions and proposes two new indices, “the recognition rate of the functions’ compound effect” and “the evaluated value ratio of the functions’ compound effect.” The analysis and evaluation of “the compound effect of functions” will be made by using these indices.</p>
- The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan
The Journal of Management Accounting, Japan 10 (1), 11-25, 2002-01-31
The Japanese Association of Management Accounting
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282763120292608
- NII Article ID
- 110007629450
- NII Book ID
- AN10538994
- 24340529
- 09187863
- 7848383
- Text Lang
- en
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- JaLC
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