Why has a new LRT system been introduced successfully in Toyama City?

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  • なぜ富山市ではLRT導入に成功したのか?
  • なぜ富山市ではLRT導入に成功したのか?--政策プロセスの観点からみた分析
  • ナゼ トヤマシ デワ LRT ドウニュウ ニ セイコウシタノカ セイサク プロセス ノ カンテン カラ ミタ ブンセキ
  • -An analysis from a viewpoint of policy process management-
  • -政策プロセスの観点からみた分析-

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<p>This paper analyzes a policy process and discusses a role of policy process management in a light transit rail (LRT) investment. As a case study, we analyze a LRT introduction at Toyama City, Japan. First, we review the policy process of this case. We pick up the stakeholders, list the main issues and identify the frame of each stakeholder at four stages of the process. Then, we compare stakeholders' concerns. The results indicate that the local transport authority in Toyama City copes with the problems very well by controlling each stakeholder's frame and interest. We point out the importance of the policy process management including an appropriate vision setting, the political leadership, the discussion opportunity arrangement, a commitment timing control,the constraint management and the outsider's involvement.</p>


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