Initiatives by the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Fukushima Medical University for the Development of High-quality Primary Health Care
- Kitamura Toshiharu
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
- Kassai Ryuki
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
- Kanke Satoshi
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
- Nakamura Koki
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
- Wakayama Takashi
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University Tadami Town National Health Insurance Asahi Clinic
- Mori Fuyuto
- Department of Community and Family Medicine, Fukushima Medical University Tadami Town National Health Insurance Asahi Clinic
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 福島県立医科大学医学部 地域・家庭医療学講座の多彩な取り組み
- 福島県立医科大学医学部 地域・家庭医療学講座の多彩な取り組み : 質の高いプライマリ・ヘルス・ケアの整備を目指して
- フクシマ ケンリツ イカ ダイガク イガクブ チイキ ・ カテイ イリョウガク コウザ ノ タサイ ナ トリクミ : シツ ノ タカイ プライマリ ・ ヘルス ・ ケア ノ セイビ オ メザシテ
- 質の高いプライマリ・ヘルス・ケアの整備を目指して
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<p>The integrated community care system(ICCS) in Japan only focuses on home care for the elderly with dementia, resulting in the need to construct a communityoriented coordinating system that addresses the service delivery of all care modalities in meeting the health needs of all people in the community, namely a “genuine ICCS”. This aligns with the establishment of high-quality primary health care(PHC), which is emphasized in the Declaration of Astana(adopted in October 2018 at the 40th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma Ata), as a cornerstone of a sustainable health system for universal health coverage and health-related Sustainable Development Goals. In this article, we introduce the process and outcome of various initiatives that the Department of Community and Family Medicine at Fukushima Medical University has conducted over the past 13 years since its foundation in March 2006. The initiatives span administrative and multidisciplinary collaborations at six teaching practices founded by the clinics and hospitals in Fukushima Prefecture including disaster response; clinical education for undergraduate and postgraduate trainees; homestay programs; train-the-trainers programs in mental health quality improvement; scholarship and doctors' career development programs in rural and remote areas; and the benchmarking of PHC against other countries. We aspire to continue training our trainers to understand, practice and teach the principles of PHC and family medicine, and to support them so that high quality PHC can be widely established in Japan under their leadership.</p>
- Iryo To Shakai
Iryo To Shakai 29 (1), 45-58, 2019-05-24
The Health Care Science Institute
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282763121205888
- NII Article ID
- 130007659766
- NII Book ID
- AN10372213
- 18834477
- 09169202
- 029770373
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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