- Japan College of Social Work
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 人の交わりから生まれる地域づくり
- 第20回作業科学セミナー特別講演 人の交わりから生まれる地域づくり : 地域拠点としてのコミュニティカフェの可能性
- ダイ20カイ サギョウ カガク セミナー トクベツ コウエン ヒト ノ マジワリ カラ ウマレル チイキズクリ : チイキ キョテン ト シテ ノ コミュニティカフェ ノ カノウセイ
- The Potential of the Japanese ‘Community Cafe’ as a Local Communication Base
- 地域拠点としてのコミュニティカフェの可能性
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Although it is thought that people’s interrelationships in local communities have been weakening in recent years, they are still expected to play an important social role. In modern society, where communities are facing complex and diverse challenges, the establishment of comprehensive support systems is required. Also, community residents are expected to play a role in civic development, through mutual cooperation centered on ‘small’ (local communication) bases. Such small bases are now highly valued as providing a ‘space’ in which to discuss local issues, and from which to expand residents’ civic initiatives. In this paper, we examine the potential for community development based on people’s interaction, focusing on the ‘community cafe’ as a local communication base. We found that such cafes function as spaces for local residents to appreciate the human diversity of their community through social interaction. In addition, community cafes would appear to have the potential to function as bases for the establishment not only of networks of community cafe users, but of broader social relationships beyond the cafe-goers, including community residents and local organizations.
- Japanese Journal of Occupational Science
Japanese Journal of Occupational Science 11 (1), 28-38, 2017-12-20
Japanese Society for Study of Occupation