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  • Food Consumption Patterns and Nutrient Intake among Adult Men in Tokyo Metropolitan Area
  • シュトケン ザイジュウ ノ セイジン ダンセイ ニ オケル ショクジ ケイタイ ト ショクヒングン ・ エイヨウソ セッシュリョウ ノ カンケイ



This paper aims to clarify the relationships of food consumption patterns, such as eating ready-made meal, eating out and eating at home, and nutrients intake among adult men. In order to clarify these relationships, we use path analysis to clarify causal relationships among food consumption patterns, nutrients intake by adjusting age, annual income and so on. The reason of using path analysis is taking endogeneity of food consumption patterns into account and analyzing mutual relationships among nutrient intake, food consumption pattern and individual-specific variables. To grasp nutrition intake, we conducted the web survey using Brief-type self-administered Diet History Questionnaire (BDHQ). The results are as follows. Using path analysis, we clarify that eating at home induces more vegetables intake, and less salt intake among both single person and plural household. Moreover, eating ready-made meal induces salt intake among single household. These results shows that eating at home induces healthy dietary habits, even if we adjust the effects of age, annual income. Food consumption patterns are very important as determinants factors of nutrient intake. From the view point of dietary education, it will be useful to instruct the importance of eating at home.


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