

  • Accuracy Validation of Measurement of Through-Thickness Residual Stress in Multi-Pass Welded Joints of Very Thick Plate by Deep Hole Drilling Techniques
  • ディープホールドリリングホウ ニ ヨル ゴクアツバン タソウ ヨウセツ ツギテ ニ オケル ナイブ ザンリュウ オウリョク ケイソク ノ セイド ケンショウ



In this study, semi-destructive methods of conventional deep hole drilling (DHD) and incremental DHD (iDHD) techniques and destructive method using strain gauge were applied, respectively, to measure through-thickness residual stress in multi-pass welded joints of 100mm thick plate. Meanwhile, welding thermal elastic-plastic analysis with the finite element methods was performed to calculate the distribution of residual stress in the multi-pass welded joints. The calculated weld penetration, temperature profiles and through-thickness residual stresses in the welds were compared, respectively, with those measured. Through the comparison among them, the applicability and measurement accuracy of conventional and incremental DHD techniques for the welds were discussed. The results showed that the applicability of both DHD techniques was not too bad to estimate the distribution of residual stress induced by welding. In particular, the iDHD technique showed better accuracy of measurement of through-thickness residual stress in the welds, even though it takes more time and effort for measurement process. A reasonable balance of accuracy and effort might have to be taken into consideration for the application of DHD techniques for the welds.


  • 圧力技術

    圧力技術 57 (3), 162-170, 2019

    一般社団法人 日本高圧力技術協会

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